Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween Costume DIY- Tutu

Since Halloween is only a few days away, you may be scrambling for a last minute costume idea. One thing you can make that has multiple costume options is a tutu. A tutu gives you so many options, so get creative. I'm going as a "Toddlers & Tiaras" character with mine. To make one, all you need is an elastic band (or a long strip of elastic, a needle, and thread), tulle, and scissors. I made mine a little while back, but if I remember correctly, I got a yard and a half of yellow tulle and then 1 yard each of 2 different shades of purple tulle. You can get as much or as little tulle as you want, just remember the more tulle, the fluffier the tutu. Making a tutu is super simple, but a little time consuming.
First, just measure the elastic around your waist and then sew it so that it fits. Unless you already have an elastic band that fits, in which case skip this step.
Next, Cut the tulle into 1 inch thick strips. This is the most time consuming part, just because you have to make sure you keep the tulle straight while cutting.
Then, just take the strips of tulle and tie them at the halfway point around the elastic band. Remember to alternate colors if you used more than one color of tulle.
Finally, fluff out the tulle and you've got yourself a tutu. Again, a tutu provides endless possibilities for costume ideas, so make one and get creative.

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