Friday, October 11, 2013

First ER Trip of College!

Today was pretty hectic. I wasn't the one who needed to go to the emergency room, but one of my friends and I took another one of our friends there today and we ended up hanging out there for almost 2 hours. She pulled every muscle that supports her head and neck in an intramural volleyball game yesterday, but they gave her painkillers at the hospital, so she's doing a little better now. While we were at the hospital, I was going to work on a paper that's due tomorrow. I had procrastinated and only had a page and a half of the 4-5 page length requirement. But as soon as I started working on it, the dreaded "low battery" box showed up on my screen and I had to stop. I later found out it was a good thing I didn't have time to work on it at the hospital, because when we got back I found out I had gone the completely wrong direction with the writing prompt and that I was going to have to start my paper over entirely.  I then began panicking because I had no clue what I was going to write on and felt like a complete idiot for not writing it the correct way the first time. But somehow, I was able to write the entire paper and have it proofread before midnight, which was probably the fastest I've written a paper of that length and difficulty (it was for an honors course) ever. And then I remembered I had to study for a radio quiz I have tomorrow. So, after today, I'm kind of exhausted.
On a much more exciting note, on the way back from the ER, we ran into Lowe's so I could get paint chips to use for crafts. I may have gone a bit overboard with how many I got... but I mean, they're free, so why not?! I haven't decided what I'm going to do with them yet, but I'll be sure to post it on here when I'm done.

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