Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

It's so crazy that it's already 2014! I haven't blogged since November because I was crazy busy over Thanksgiving break and then right after break was finals, and then right after that Christmas break started, which has also been extremely busy. I'm not going to recap on everything that's happened since my last post, because I'd probably be here typing forever. To sum it up, I've gotten to spend a lot of time with my really close friends and have also had the chance to catch up with some of my friends I graduated with. Overall, it's been a really fun past couple of months and I'm looking forward to having a lot more fun this year.
Since it's the first of the year and this is normally when people start 365-day projects, I have decided I'm going to attempt to do two different ones that are on my bucket list- 1) take a picture everyday for a year and 2) write a letter to a different person everyday for a year (my full bucket list is in a previous post). I'm going to try and post as many of the 365 pictures on Instagram that I can, so if you'd like to stay updated on that, follow @jesspaige5. Also, I am starting my Wreck This Journal today that I got for Christmas and am hoping to finish it by the end of the year.
I hope everyone has a wonderful year and I'm looking forward to sharing more of my journey through life with you.

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