Friday, January 10, 2014

DIY Custom Ornaments

So, I know it's after Christmas, but I decided I'd go ahead and share one of my DIY projects that I gave out as Christmas gifts. These really don't have to be just for Christmas, I gave them to my friends in my dorm hall and some of them have them hanging in their rooms and pinned to bulletin boards. This is a really simple craft and all you need is ornaments (I got a 10-pack for $3 at the local craft store, Pat Catan's), Mod Podge, a paintbrush, ribbon, scissors, and printed out pictures. If you don't have pictures you want to print out or access to a printer, you can cut quotes or pictures out of magazines to use.
Step 1: Print and cut out whatever picture you want to put on the ornament. Make sure it isn't too big compared to the ornament, especially because it will bend when you wrap it around the curved surface.
Step 2: Put a little bit of Mod Podge on the back of the picture before putting it on the ornament, just to make sure it stays in place. Then, paint over the picture with Mod Podge so that it's sealed onto the ornament.
Step 3: Cut the ribbon, loop it through the top of the ornament, and tie it in a bow (double-knotted to make sure it stays).

Finished Product

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