Thursday, January 16, 2014

My Hatred Of Philosophy

I'm typing this as I sit in my Philosophy class because I honestly just don't care about it anymore. I'm already mad enough that I have to take Philosophy in the first place. I'm a Journalism and Media Production major, why the heck do I need to take a Philosophy course?! Oh yeah, because it's a required general education course that everyone has to take, which leads me to my next point: Why the heck do I have to take general education courses in college?! That's what high school was for! But these aren't the only things that I dislike about being in the class. It's a 2-hour and 10 minute long class that I have everyday of the week for the whole month of January. And it starts at 8 am, which means I have to wake up by 7:10 at the latest if I want to eat breakfast before the class. That's way too early for me. The thing that really frustrates me about this course is that the professor is, in my opinion, terrible. I never understand anything he is talking about and he does a very poor job of teaching the material. 90% of the class is him trying to relate random stories about his life to random philosophical terms and theories that nobody understands. Our first exam was today and he gave us half of class to take the exam, and now we have to listen to him lecture for the rest of the time instead of getting to leave when we were finished with the test, so I'm writing this instead of paying attention due to the fact that I am the definition of a rebel (not really...). I'm running on about 2 hours of sleep because I stayed up most of the night with one of my friends attempting to decode the notes from the class and study. The study guide pretty much told us that we needed to know almost every single power point slide from the course thus far, so studying was quite the challenge, especially when we didn't understand any of the material to begin with. I've come to the conclusion that the rest of this course is going to end up being completely self-taught. I'm also happy that I only have 9 more days of this class until I'm done with it forever, but that also means I have 2 more exams, 4 more short (300-word) essays, and a long essay due in the next 9 days. Ugh, it's gonna be a long 9 days....

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