Thursday, October 2, 2014

My Favorite Things About Fall

Even though it's an extremely cliche thing to say, fall is one of my favorite times of the year (I still love Christmas-time better).
There are so many great things about fall that I don't understand how it isn't everyone's favorite season. Since it's finally fall, I thought I would make a list of some of the things I love about fall that make it my favorite.
  • The sound of leaves crunching beneath my feet
  • Drinking hot chocolate (and all the cool mugs I can drink it out of)
  • My mom's homemade pumpkin rolls
  • Getting to wear my Vans boots 
  • Daylight saving time (November 2 this year), even though I always use it as an excuse to stay up later instead of taking advantage of the extra hour of sleep
  • The vibrant colors of all the changing leaves
  • All of the Halloween movies they play on Disney Channel- especially Hocus Pocus, all of the Halloweentown movies, and Phantom of the Megaplex
  • The crisp, fall air
  • Pumpkin flavored ice cream
  • Creative Halloween costumes, especially ones that are puns
  • Getting to comfortably wear sweatshirts and hoodies (I wear them when it's too warm because of how much I enjoy the coziness of them)
  • Reese's Cups being shaped like pumpkins
  • Thanksgiving and all the great food and family time that comes along with it
  • Getting to bake a lot when I'm home
  • All the bags of individualized packaged candy being on sale
  • Black Friday shopping with my sisters and cousin
  • And of course, this fall I'm looking forward to season 5 of The Walking Dead, which premieres on October 12
So there you have it, some of my favorite things about my favorite time of the year.

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