Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Embarrassing Moments From My Freshman Year: Part 3

It's been almost two weeks since I've posted anything, so I decided it was time for another post about embarrassing moments from my freshman year of college.

One night during dinner, one of my friends and I decided we would go up and get some soft-serve ice cream. This was a normal occurrence, so I wasn't expecting anything too out of the ordinary to happen. I topped a cone with the perfect ice cream swirl and we turned to walk back to our table. That's when things got embarrassing. As I was turning away from the ice cream machine, all the ice cream that had been resting on top of the cone flung itself off and landed on the floor a few feet in front of us. What made it worse was that I didn't do anything. I just stared at the ice cream, looked at my friend, looked back at the ice cream, looked around at the people who were in the surrounding area, and then repeated this process about 5 times. That's when I noticed the ice cream pile on the floor had started to melt and was slowly sliding away. I still did nothing. Thankfully, a few moments later, a caf worker walked past and said they'd clean it up after I pointed it out. I then got another ice cream cone and very carefully went back to our table.

Sometime during fall semester, some of my friends and I had reserved our dorm lobby TV for several hours on a Saturday for 1D Day, an 8 hour live video broadcast One Direction did (go ahead and judge us). There had been several technical difficulties all throughout the broadcast, it had lasted longer than the initial 8 hours, and they were about to sing their last song (they only sang a couple times during the whole thing). I was a mix of tired, excited, and annoyed. I was standing on one of the couches, with my blanket around me and over my head (don't ask me why) and I was ready for it to finally end, but still excited for the performance. Then, after there had been almost two hours without a single technical problem, the screen went black. I was so frustrated that we encountered a problem so close to the end that I just started screaming. Then, two guys, who I had never seen before and who were kind of attractive, walked through the back door into our dorm lobby and stared at me. I had stopped screaming right before they walked in, but I was still standing on the couch with a blanket over my head. After they left the room, I sat down and calmly and quietly waited for the broadcast to finish while my friends talked about how embarrassed they were. I then reminded them that I was the one who had looked like a freak and that they were just sitting on the couch in the same room as me.

There's plenty more where those came from, so I'll try and post a couple more soon.

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