Thursday, May 29, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend at the Camper

One of my favorite places to go for any weekend in the summer, especially holiday weekends, is my grandma's camper. My family has had campers down there since my mom was a child, so my siblings, cousins, and I spent a ton of time down there as kids. But the older we got, the less we went down because our summers were packed with sports, youth group activities, work, and everything else in between. This past weekend, five of the six of us were able to go down, which hasn't happened in at least 5 years. It would've been even better if all six of us had been able to go, but my grandma probably would've gone completely crazy (she was almost that way with just five of us).
It's so peaceful not having to deal with having internet and cell service and we got to do a lot of stuff we normally only get to do down there, like playing tennis at eight in the morning. I also got four things knocked off my summer bucket list - camping, playing with sparklers, mini golf (there's a course on the campgrounds), and s'mores. My family does s'mores a little differently though. Instead of using graham crackers and chocolate, we use fudge stripe cookies. It's much more convenient and I think it tastes better.
Aside from eating s'mores, we had a lot of fun and spent a lot of time laughing, and a little bit of time causing trouble. Overall, it was a great weekend and I'm so grateful I got to spend it with my siblings and cousin.

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