Friday, May 9, 2014

College Shenanigans

I often pride myself on being an odd person who does really weird and random things. Two weeks ago, one of my friends and I did something really strange. She had a beanbag chair that had been ripped for quite some time and the little bean bag filling bead things had slowly started spilling out on to her floor. We decided that we were going to put the filling in pillow cases to be used to remake the pillow fight scene in Hard Knock Life from Annie for my friends video project. So we decided to try and pour the filling directly from the chair into a pillow case. This failed miserably, as 3/4 of the filling missed the pillow case and landed on the floor. Being the mature college students we are, we then rashly decided to pour all of the filling onto the floor in a giant pile and play in it. Did I mention how mature we are? Anyway, her roommate was PISSED when she discovered the mess on the floor, but we were able to convince her to let us keep all of it under the condition that we got something to put all of it in so it wasn't just all over the floor. So off to Walmart went and then returned with a blow up kiddie pool. After two hours of four of us scooping all the filling up, the pool was filled. And it was fantastic. It's probably one of the most relaxing things ever just laying in the pool or sitting near it playing with the filling. Now, you're probably thinking that we're a little insane, which was also the reaction of pretty much anyone that saw the pool - until we convinced them to lay in it. At least 30 of our friends have taken turns in the pool of Styrofoam and everyone agrees that it's one of the best things ever. The only downside is that whenever you're done, you'll find the little Styrofoam beads everywhere. Like, literally EVERYWHERE. If you walk anywhere throughout our dorm, there's a good chance you'll see a couple of them laying in the most random places (I cannot tell you how many of them I have found in the showers). Some of them have even made their way outside. We don't really know what we're going to do with the pool next week when we move out, but we really want to try and keep it if we can figure out a way to transport it. But even if we have to get rid of it, it will still be a great memory to have.
People weren't really surprised when they discovered that we poured beanbag filling into pool though, because we tend to do some weird stuff. A few weeks ago, it started pouring down rain when we were in class. Since I had neglected to bring an umbrella to class, I had to improvise. So I walked out in the hallway and found a large, empty box for a desk chair. I then cut a hole in the box for my face and proceeded to wear the box all they way form the building where our class was back to the dorms. Plus we're all video majors, so we tend to do some pretty strange stuff for the sake of our video projects. Or for random videos we make for fun. Even though some people think we're a little crazy, I'm happy that I get to be weird, and that I have friends who are willing to be just as weird as I am with me.


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