Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Embarrassing Moments From My Freshman Year: Part 4

This is going to be my last post for this little series I've been doing, mostly because I need a stopping point or I could go on forever with embarrassing stories. So, here's a couple more embarrassing moments from my freshman year of college.

For about a week straight sometime during spring semester, someone had put a wooden box with a mannequin on top of it in the caf lobby for some sort of art project. Every day that week, the mannequin would be wearing something different and people could write down some type of opinion about it's appearance. At the end of the week when we were leaving dinner, we walked out to the lobby to see that the entire display was gone, with the exception of the box. Knowing that our other friends were still in dinner and would be walking past shortly after, I decided I would stand on the box and then pose when we saw our other friends. After a couple minutes, someone approached me. He then asked for his box, which I was still standing on. After that, I never stood on something unless I knew someone wouldn't come and ask for it.

Towards the end of spring semester, some of my friends and I were all working on our final film projects. I recruited a couple of them to help me film a small part of mine, where they would stand by a tree and I would be in the tree filming them for the right angle. Obviously, this required me to climb up into the tree. I've never climbed a tree before, but I didn't think it would be too hard. In the process of climbing the tree, I was reminded of just how short I am, because I realized I was too short to go any higher than the first branch. One of my other friends offered to climb the tree and film the part for me, so I decided I would climb down and let her film it. Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to get down (I'll blame it on being blonde), so another one of my friends had to half pull me out of the tree while I attempted to climb down. Needless to say, I have yet to attempt to climb another tree.

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