Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Butterfly Incident

I felt like sharing a random story from my childhood and decided to go with one so traumatic, it is now referred to (really only by me) as "The Butterfly Incident".
I’ve always had this really strange fear of butterflies, and I don’t really know why I’m afraid of them, but they just really creep me out and always have. I think my fear stems from an incident in my childhood. When I was in kindergarten, my class took a field trip to the Franklin Park Conservatory, where there’s a huge walk-through butterfly exhibit. My classmates and I were all casually enjoying the exhibit and having a grand old time. Until, all of a sudden, a butterfly landed on the girl next to me and, for some strange reason that I am still unaware of, I started FREAKING OUT. I was hysterically crying and refusing to walk any further into the butterfly death-trap. I think that I may have thought that the butterfly was attacking my classmate or something and was going to move on to me once it killed her. Since I was so stricken with fear that I was unable to move, my mother was forced to pick me up and carry me out of the exhibit (and still frequently refers to the situation). Needless to say, this was a very memorable event for both of us. To this day, I am still terribly afraid of butterflies and I still am not quite sure why.

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