Saturday, June 14, 2014

Embarrassing Moments From My Freshman Year: Part 1

I'm a very awkward and strange person, and something that comes along with that is a lot of embarrassing moments. Like, A LOT of embarrassing moments. So, I thought I would start to compile some of my most embarrassing moments from my freshman year of college. Since there are so many, I'm going to break them up into multiple posts and only write about one or two each time. Hopefully, they'll provide you with a good laugh.

Towards the beginning of the year, I used to do this thing where I would randomly run up behind my friends and jump on their backs, forcing them to give me a piggy-back ride. Well, one day when we were leaving dinner, I slowed down to let my group of friends I was with get a little ahead of me. Then, I ran up behind one of them and tried to jump on her back, but it didn't quite work this time. One problem was that we were walking up a slight incline, so I hadn't accounted for the extra height I was going to need to jump. Also, I was unaware of the fact that my friend had her hands in her jacket pockets and was unable to support me once I jumped onto her back. Needless to say, I fell to the ground and it was just my luck that there were about 30 people outside to watch the whole incident.

Since we're on the topic of me falling, I have another embarrassing incident that shows just how graceful I am. The last day of classes before spring break, we had group meetings with our professor for our video production class. When I was finished with my group's meeting, I went to meet my other friends that were in that class down the hall in the Mac lab so we could leave for break. Of course, I had to make an entrance, especially since I was so excited that it was spring break. I ran into the room and hopped up on one of the wheeled desk chairs. I don't know why I thought my idea would work and that I would just be standing on the chair, because as soon as I got up on the chair, it twisted, throwing me off of it and sending my body hurling towards the desk in front of me and then onto the floor. Thankfully, I wasn't injured and was able to just laugh it off. Needless to say, I'm not exactly the most graceful of people.

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