Friday, November 8, 2013

Throwback Thursday: My Most Traumatizing Experience

I've decided to share a really old story because anytime I tell it, everyone thinks it's hilarious for some reason. So, here's the most traumatizing experience of my life.
It all happened at the tender age of 7. It was my dad's weekend to have me and my sisters at his house. My dad informed me that my sisters were going to stay at my aunts house for the night and bake cookies and watch Halloweentown. I, on the other hand, was going to get to go with my dad, uncle, older cousins, and my dad's girlfriend to "this really cool place where you walk through the woods and people try to jump out and scare you, but they don't and it's really fun and not scary at all". I exclaimed that I didn't want to go, but my dad told me I didn't have a choice. Later that evening, we arrived at the Haunted Hoochie. If you're unfamiliar with what that is, it's a terrifying place where you go through a maze of multiple scary buildings and people jump out and touch you. I kept saying I didn't want to go through it when we were in the hour-long line, but my dad still wouldn't budge on his decision. About halfway through, when I was hysterically bawling my eyes out, I begged one of the "guides" to take me out and not make me go through the rest of it. The woman was going to let me leave and wait at the exit, but my dad told her I had to finish going through it. The very last part of the walk-through is a chainsaw maze where there's people around every corner with masks and chainsaws. About halfway through the maze, my dad left me behind. He went around one corner, and I was left there, terrified and alone. Thankfully, my dad realized I was missing and came back to get me less than a minute later. Needless to say, I didn't sleep that night. I know this post was really random, but people keep having me tell it to them lately, so I decided I might as well put it on here.

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