Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Final Election Results

The final round of voting ended last night at 9. We didn't get to find out the election results then because there was a tie for one of the positions (not the one I was running for). I was literally getting sick to my stomach on and off all day in anticipation of the final results. Around 7 pm, I found out that the results would be emailed at 9pm. I was still super nervous, especially the closer it got to 9. I decided to get in the shower shortly after 8:30 to try and quickly pass the last half hour of waiting. As soon as I was about to get out of the shower, I heard what sounded like a stampede of elephants running down the stairs and around the first floor. This was accompanied by the sound of multiple people yelling my name. I realized that one of two things was occurring: either 1)My friends were coming to get me because the results were about to be released or 2)The results were released early and I won the election for Freshman Events Director. The second I shut the water off, my friends ran into the bathroom and exclaimed that the latter was true. It was an extremely awkward situation. Aside from how weird it was that I found out, I'm extremely excited. I feel so honored and blessed that so many of my peers found me the most qualified for the job. Today has just been a good day in general. First, I won a Transformers thing for my brother from a Hasbro instant win game, then I found out I won the Events Director position, and then my youth pastor decided to let me have an old foosball table from our church for my dorm room. This week is definitely going much better than last week.

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