Monday, November 25, 2013

Almost Thanksgiving Break!

Sorry I haven't blogged in such a long time, things have been crazy busy around here. I've had so many tests, papers, and activities, but that's only because it's almost the end of the semester! Thanksgiving break "officially" starts tomorrow after classes, but mine is starting tonight as soon as I get out of honors seminar at 8:30 (gross). I may or may not be skipping my only class tomorrow (honors) so I can go home a day early... Anyway, I'm so excited to finally have a break. This is only going to be the second time I've stayed off campus overnight (the only other time was fall break). There are so many things happening over break that I'm so excited for: I get to go out to eat twice for my birthday (it was last Wednesday), obviously Thanksgiving, Black Friday (I'm seriously so excited for Black Friday, even though it's more like Black Thursday at this point, which is pretty ridiculous), I'll get to go to my church for the first time since August, I get to see some of my friends, and when I get back to campus after break, I'll be bringing a free foosball table for my room with me. And the whole way home tonight, I get to listen to the new One Direction CD, Midnight Memories, that released today and is absolutely perfect! Words cannot describe how happy I am that this CD is out. We went to WalMart to get it as soon as we could this morning (we went at midnight, but they didn't have it yet). This past Saturday was 1D Day, where One Direction did a seven and a half hour livestrean, yesterday they performed on the AMAs (and won 2 awards), tomorrow they're making their GMA debut and announcing "some exciting news for U.S. fans", which I predict will be their U.S. leg of their 2014 tour, and December 7th they'll be performing on SNL. So, I'm kind of on One Direction overload right now, which is possibly making me go a bit crazy...
After break, we only have one week of classes and then finals week before Christmas break, which is exciting, as well as extremely overwhelming. I still have to write a final film paper, write an honors seminar paper (due the day after Thanksgiving break), watch and write reaction papers on 18 movies, write an essay for discipleship, record 6 practice radio shifts, get 8 radio mentor hours, and on top of all that I have to study for finals. So the next couple weeks are going to be pretty hectic. Hopefully, I can get some of it done during break, but still have plenty of time to relax. I only have an hour and a half left of seminar until I'm free until next Monday! I'll try and post about break when I get the chance.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Weekend Adventures

This weekend has been kind of eventful, or at least what a freshman at a Nazarene university might find eventful. Friday night, while everyone was at the homecoming basketball game, one of my friends and I decided we would stay back at the dorms and watch a movie for our film class instead. We have to watch 25 films by the end of the semester and write a one-page paper on each one, and I had only watched four and a half before yesterday, so it was kind of necessary. We went to Family Video (we partied to the Jonas Brothers in the car) to get a movie from our list, and definitely were there for twice as long as we had intended. And we didn't even leave with the movies we planned on getting. Then we came back and instead of starting a movie, we spent 40 minutes recording a YouTube video. Most of it was of us playing this really fun game we invented (don't judge) where we take turns playing the beat of a song by moving our hand around in a box of pretzels and the other person has to guess which song it is. Yeah, we're just that cool... Then, we made a spur of the moment decision to go get a Little Caesar's pizza (this time, we jammed out to Ed Sheeran). When we got back with our pizza, we finally started our movie, Annie Hall, in the lobby. This started out as a good idea, because almost everyone else was still at the basketball game. Unfortunately, about halfway through, a bunch of loud people invaded the lobby and we were asked at least 20 times what movie we were watching. Eventually, we finished the movie and had to go to bed at midnight because we volunteered to get up at 7am on a Saturday to get mentor hours for our radio class. We had to help watch kids for 2 or 3 hours and it ended up not being as bad as we had planned.
Later that day, I went with some of my other friends to Newark to watch one of them get a tattoo and the others get piercings. I was going to get a tattoo, but my mother refused to pay for my car insurance if I got one, so I made the smart decision to not get one. The place was kind of sketchy, but not too bad. Mostly, I just went along because there was a Target (my favorite store) within 10 minutes of the tattoo place and I was promised that we would go. Thankfully, we did. It was absolutely fantastic. Seriously, you don't understand my love for Target. We got back to campus shortly after 8pm, but it felt like it was at least midnight. Then my friends who I had hung out with Friday, suggested that we, along with another one of our friends, go to Kenyon, which is an extremely nice, extremely expensive, college located about 10 minuted from ours. It was cool, yet also creepy because it's a secluded campus where all the buildings look like old castles and it was really dark and sketchy. Overall, it's been a pretty interesting weekend thus far. Unfortunately, I have to spend the last day of it doing homework that I've been dreading.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Throwback Thursday: My Most Traumatizing Experience

I've decided to share a really old story because anytime I tell it, everyone thinks it's hilarious for some reason. So, here's the most traumatizing experience of my life.
It all happened at the tender age of 7. It was my dad's weekend to have me and my sisters at his house. My dad informed me that my sisters were going to stay at my aunts house for the night and bake cookies and watch Halloweentown. I, on the other hand, was going to get to go with my dad, uncle, older cousins, and my dad's girlfriend to "this really cool place where you walk through the woods and people try to jump out and scare you, but they don't and it's really fun and not scary at all". I exclaimed that I didn't want to go, but my dad told me I didn't have a choice. Later that evening, we arrived at the Haunted Hoochie. If you're unfamiliar with what that is, it's a terrifying place where you go through a maze of multiple scary buildings and people jump out and touch you. I kept saying I didn't want to go through it when we were in the hour-long line, but my dad still wouldn't budge on his decision. About halfway through, when I was hysterically bawling my eyes out, I begged one of the "guides" to take me out and not make me go through the rest of it. The woman was going to let me leave and wait at the exit, but my dad told her I had to finish going through it. The very last part of the walk-through is a chainsaw maze where there's people around every corner with masks and chainsaws. About halfway through the maze, my dad left me behind. He went around one corner, and I was left there, terrified and alone. Thankfully, my dad realized I was missing and came back to get me less than a minute later. Needless to say, I didn't sleep that night. I know this post was really random, but people keep having me tell it to them lately, so I decided I might as well put it on here.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Final Election Results

The final round of voting ended last night at 9. We didn't get to find out the election results then because there was a tie for one of the positions (not the one I was running for). I was literally getting sick to my stomach on and off all day in anticipation of the final results. Around 7 pm, I found out that the results would be emailed at 9pm. I was still super nervous, especially the closer it got to 9. I decided to get in the shower shortly after 8:30 to try and quickly pass the last half hour of waiting. As soon as I was about to get out of the shower, I heard what sounded like a stampede of elephants running down the stairs and around the first floor. This was accompanied by the sound of multiple people yelling my name. I realized that one of two things was occurring: either 1)My friends were coming to get me because the results were about to be released or 2)The results were released early and I won the election for Freshman Events Director. The second I shut the water off, my friends ran into the bathroom and exclaimed that the latter was true. It was an extremely awkward situation. Aside from how weird it was that I found out, I'm extremely excited. I feel so honored and blessed that so many of my peers found me the most qualified for the job. Today has just been a good day in general. First, I won a Transformers thing for my brother from a Hasbro instant win game, then I found out I won the Events Director position, and then my youth pastor decided to let me have an old foosball table from our church for my dorm room. This week is definitely going much better than last week.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Random Update

Sorry for taking so long to post again, I've been really busy the past week. I want to thank everyone for their encouragement and support from my last blog post. It made me feel better and I really appreciate it. On another note, I made it past the preliminary voting to the final ballot, which means it's down to me and 1 other person. I'm extremely nervous, like so nervous I'm getting sick to my stomach. I don't do well with suspense. Voting ended almost half an hour ago, so I should find out if I won either tonight or tomorrow. I'll be sure to post about what happens.