Monday, October 28, 2013

Judgmental Bullies- Present Throughout Life

With the preliminary election tomorrow, campaigning is in full swing. Events director isn't exactly the most important position, but I've been trying really hard to get the word out on why I think I'm the best candidate for the job. I'm running against three other girls for that particular office, all of whom have done little to no campaigning. But today, two of my friends overheard two of the girls I'm running against talking in their math class, loud enough for the entire class to hear. First, they were just talking about how they are both running for the same position, but then my name was brought into the conversation. They were talking about how I really like Ellen DeGeneres (which is a true statement), and they proceeded to turn around and confront my friends. Giggling, they asked my friends if I was a lesbian because of how much I like Ellen.
First of all, if I was a lesbian (which I'm not), who are they to judge. We are called by God to love everyone. I love Ellen because aside from being absolutely hilarious, she supports multiple charities and causes, she always has a positive attitude, and at the end of every episode of her talk show, she says "be kind to one another". So, if someone is going to think that another person is automatically gay just because they support Ellen, then I feel sorry for them and for what they are missing by not loving Ellen.
Second, who asks someone's friend a question like that?! It's already an extremely judgmental assumption, but why would you ask someone, who you know cares about the person in question, something of that nature? Did they think that if my friends said yes, they could get my name removed from the ballot or something? I just found the whole ordeal to be rude. I don't have anything against people who are gay, but I just think that's an extremely offensive question to ask, even if the answer was yes.
Third, since they were talking so loudly, it's obvious other people heard them. With not even being two months into my college career, I really don't want any rumors like this to get started about me. While I am definitely not gay, people talk and something like this could spread very easily, especially with being on such a small campus. I've been made fun of for other stuff before in my life, and I really don't want to go back to receiving judgmental looks and rude comments, especially based on false accusations.Thankfully, my friends stood up for me and shot down the comments, but who knows what people will believe. It's just sad that we are in college and people still try and start stuff like this, but I guess you'll experience bullies and judgmental people all throughout life.


  1. If someone is so desperate to be Events Director that they would try to sabotage your campaign by starting baseless rumors, then they are truly pathetic individuals. They are clearly not living their lives as true Christians. “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Matthew 7:1-2

  2. and this attitude is what gives "Christians" a bad name....and if you are Gay......what difference does that make? will all events exclude the LGBT kids? does that disqualify you for the position? Or are there so many homophobic students at your school that they wouldnt vote for you? Or are those girls so narcissistic they think all lesbians would be attracted to them and they wouldn't know what to do? Sounds like these girls really weren't raised in "Christian" homes and don't deserve a leadership role.
