Sunday, October 27, 2013


This has been a busy week/weekend, and a lot of that is attributed to the fact that I've been campaigning. I'm running for my freshman class events director and I've really been trying to get the word out. Thursday, I hung up posters in all 3 buildings that freshman live in. Friday evening, I discovered someone had maliciously ripped down one of my extremely well-placed posters. It's obvious it was ripped down because the tape and the corner of the poster were left there, which made me very sad.
I made a campaign video and put it on our class Facebook page so I could tell people my qualifications. I made sure to make the end of the video funny so that people didn't think I was boring. I also printed of little slips of paper that said "Make the Smart Choice- Vote Jessica Wells for Freshman Events Director" and taped them to packs of Smarties. I then traveled to the dark place yesterday- Oakwood (boys dorm) during open dorms- and passed them out while introducing myself to people and informing people of my campaign video. I also went to the other girls dorm and did the same thing. A lot of people seemed really supportive, and that made me feel so happy. Especially when some people had told me they already saw my video and that they enjoyed it. I'm finishing my Smarties campaigning tonight in my dorm building. The preliminary voting is on Tuesday and I'm really nervous, but I'll be sure to keep everyone updated.

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