Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Transition Tuesday

Today I had my very first college class, and I'm still alive! It was actually rather exciting, especially since it was a new experience. I only have one class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I guess I haven't really experienced what the whole college class situation is going to be like. But so far, I'm liking it. Thankfully, that one class I have is my honors one, so I have plenty of time to work on my homework right after the class and get it out of the way.
Since I know I'm going to have a lot of reading, I created an incentive program for myself whenever I have large amounts to read. I put a page marker at about the halfway point in the assigned reading (more often if I have more to read) and when I reach a page marker, I get to take a break and either walk around the hall for a few minutes, have a piece of candy, or check Twitter or Instagram. I tried it out today and I really think it helped keep me motivated and focused. Hopefully, that strategy works for the rest of the year. It's strange going from being in one building from 8:30 until 3:15 and having the exact same schedule everyday (for the most part), to going to having one class and then coming back to my dorm. I'm really enjoying college life as of right now, but it's still going to take some getting used to.

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