Sunday, September 1, 2013

Finally Moved In

So, it's been pretty hectic the past few weeks. I moved in two days ago and this is the first downtime we've had since finishing unpacking. It's weird adjusting to college life. Right now, I kind of feel like I'm on a church retreat or something. I've been feeling really awkward because I didn't know anyone here at all and it's weird not seeing my friends from high school everyday. I'm also really quiet at first when I'm in a new environment completely surrounded by new people. I've started making friends (I think), but it's still strange. Today I got to have a small chat with a junior who went to my (small) high school, so it was kind of comforting to see a familiar face amongst the new ones. Classes don't start until the day after tomorrow, so I'm starting to get a little nervous about that. Thankfully, on the first day I only have one class and it's not until 11:30, so I'll get to sleep in some. Unfortunately, we all have mandatory testing tomorrow, but thanks to the first letter of my last name being in the second half of the alphabet, my testing is in the afternoon and not the morning. But this weekend in general has been absolutely overwhelming, but I'm pushing through. Hopefully, I'll be able to write more about what's going on as the week goes by.

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