My worst Halloween experience was, by far, when my dad took me to the Haunted Hoochie, one of the most horrifying haunted exhibits, at the tender age of seven. I won't go into the whole story since I posted it last year, so if you want to read about the most traumatic experience of my entire life, click here. Trust me, you definitely won't regret it.

When it came time to for me to decide on my costume when I was in fifth grade, I decided I wanted to be a little creative. After hours of brainstorming, I finally decided that I wanted to go as dogs playing poker, like in the famous painting. Yeah, I was (and still am) pretty strange... So my mother and I made my costume and I ended up getting tons of compliments on how creative and funny it was.

Growing up, I had some pretty great Halloween costumes that I loved, making for a lot of awesome memories. I feel like my favorite pictures of myself when I was a child are when I'm in Halloween costumes because I still love all the different costumes I had.
Also, I'd just like to point out how cool my mother's glasses are in that top picture :)