Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Life of a Video Major

Being a Journalism and Media Production major has a lot of perks. One of those perks is that instead of doing calculus or biology homework, we get to make videos. Being in a rather creative major, we’re quite the interesting bunch, which makes our videos just that much better. And having friends in the major means that we all get to help with the filmmaking process for each other’s projects. One of my friends made an “MVNU Cribs” video, of which I was the star, but it also featured some of our other friends. And another one of my friends made a video depicting the love story between a girl and her giant stuffed teddy bear. I was in this video, but barely seen, as I was the one who got the job of propping up the bear whenever it was supposed to be standing or moving. But this was still a learning experience, as I discovered just how heavy huge stuffed animals can be.
My video probably took the longest to make out of my friend group’s projects. This is most likely due to the fact that after 4-5 hours of editing and having almost my entire video completed, there was a saving error and I had to completely re-edit the entire thing. Despite the frustration that caused, I’m still really happy with how my video turned out. For my project, I chose to make a music video to the Nsync song, Tearin’ Up My Heart. The first 17.5 seconds of the video is a shot-for-shot remake of the original, but then it develops into a story about a creepy guy and all his weird shenanigans. Thankfully, I have friends who were nice enough to help me out and act in it. It was really cool to watch my storyboard come to life during the filmmaking process. I’m really proud of how the video turned out and I had a lot of fun making it.

If you want to watch my video, here's the link

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