For anyone who knows me, you probably know that I absolutely adore Ellen DeGeneres. I watch her show whenever I can because it's so funny and positive, which is a hard combination to find in a show these days. My favorite book is her "Seriously... I'm Kidding", which I think everyone should read because it's absolutely hilarious. This may not seem that exciting, but my love for Ellen gets a little more interesting. In October of 2012, I spent more than 4 hours over a period of 2 days standing on the side of a busy street in my hometown of Columbus holding a sign that read "Ellen DeGeneres for President". About 10,000 people passed me while I was doing this, and about 200 of those people parked in the Walgreen's parking lot behind me to come talk to me and take my picture. Many more people took my picture while they were passing as well. A majority of the people who passed me honked and gave me a thumbs-up, or rolled down their car windows and cheered. There were a couple people who weren't as happy with my endeavor, as I was given the middle finger a couple of times and someone even yelled at me to "get a life". The positive reactions far outnumbered the negative, as I was able to make almost everyone who passed me smile or laugh, just by simply holding a sign that voiced my opinion. To this day, I count this as the coolest experience I've ever had.
This isn't the only thing I've done to creatively show my love for Ellen. Last year, I got some of my senior pictures taken of me wearing my Ellen shirt and holding her book. Also, my mom got me a pair of the famous Ellen underwear two Christmases ago and I have yet to take them out of the bag. My dream is to meet Ellen and have her sign the underwear and then I'll have them framed.
A lot of people think that I should've been on the Ellen show for all the stuff I've done, but I still haven't. She has a place on her website where you can say why you think you're her biggest fan and she might have you on the show, and I've filled this out probably 1,000 times and still haven't made it on the show. If you don't think I'm completely insane after having read this post and want to shoot Ellen an email telling her why you think I should be on the show, follow this link
http://www.ellentv.com/be-on-the-show/10/ Thanks!
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