I've now finished two full weeks of my second semester of college. Supposedly, it's spring semester, but with the amount of snow we've gotten the past couple of weeks, I'd beg to differ. I don't know what's more annoying about the snow- the fact that it keeps coming, or all the cliche jokes and complaints about having to go to class when it snows.
I'm pretty excited about most of my classes this semester because I have less general courses and more that are geared toward my major. The only classes I'm taking that aren't communications courses are my three honors courses, one of which is an independent study and another that I only have once every other week. All in all, I'm really looking forward to the rest of this semester.
This past week has been extremely busy. I spent 10-12 hours between Tuesday and Friday working with some of my friends to make jars for a Valentines Banquet radio fundraiser that we had to work Friday night. Then, I spent over 4 hours Thursday night making flowers and bouquets out of Hershey's Kisses that we sold as a fundraiser for class council. On top of all this, I had my normal homework, including three 1-hour radio shifts throughout the week, plus a speech Friday. Needless to say, I was exhausted by the end of the end of the week, which is probably why I didn't fully wake up and get out of bed until 1:30 in the afternoon today.
Thankfully, my mother is a saint and sent me a few random surprises, which really helped to make me a little less stressed. On Thursday, I got a small package from her that I thought was just going to have a couple pieces of clothing that I forgot at home over January break, but she had also put in a box of Peeps and some dark chocolate covered raisins. Then on Friday, I got a large iced chocolate chip cookie that she had ordered to be delivered to me, as well as a poster of Rob Lowe (she supports my obsession). Even though I've been extremely busy, I'm still really thankful that I have the opportunity to do the things I get to do.