Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Dorm DIY Project #1- Decorated Plastic Drawers

Many people use clear plastic drawers for storage, especially in college dorms. Personally, I didn't want my drawers to be see-through because it makes it look messier and I don't necessarily want people seeing all my stuff. So, I decided to decorate mine. Many ideas on how to decorate them came to mind, but the sturdiest option I thought of was duct tape. If you do this, you'll just need scissors, 2 rolls of whatever print duct tape you want (I chose One Direction), and a set of plastic drawers.

 I thought the easiest way to put the tape on was vertically, while going slightly over on the bottom and also coming in and folding over the inside of the drawers. Make sure you just use a little bit on each end that goes over so you aren't wasting a ton of tape.

The first piece of tape is always the hardest, just making sure it's straight and everything, but after that you just line each piece up next to the following piece. The only tricky part is on the front where the handle of the drawer is, you have to cut a small slit to fold the tape up under the handle. Also, after finishing the sides, I put a long strip horizontally across the top edge of the drawer, just to give the tape a little extra protection from wear and tear. Then just repeat that process on the other 2 (or more) drawers.

The Finished Product

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