Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Stargazing and Deep Conversations

Sometimes, life can just be too much.
Last week wasn't the greatest for me. Overall, I just had a rough week and life in general was really weighing on me. A lot of my problem was just that I think about and over-analyze everything way too much. By Friday, I was so drained - mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. But that's where having really great friends is truly a blessing. 
Friday night, my best friend at MVNU could tell that I wasn't really okay. She offered to do anything that would make me feel better, when I suggested we just go walk around Kenyon, another college campus about 10 minutes from ours. We went and ended up going to this little part of their campus we always go to where the sidewalk goes into a circle. That's probably one of my favorite places at night, just because it's away from the busy part of campus, and it's so peaceful and calming to me.
My friend and I laid on opposite sides of the circle, just staring up at the sky (don't worry - we had mace). We stargazed in silence for a good 15 minutes, just appreciating God's beautiful creation and not even thinking about all crazy the stuff going on in life. After a while, the silence was broken by what turned into a great conversation (lasting until after midnight) about everything going on and just life in general. It was a great heart-to-heart moment that I really appreciated and will look forward to experiencing again in the future.
That night really helped me to remember that no matter how overwhelming life can be at times, having truly great friends, who genuinely care about you, can make it a little more bearable.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

DIY Prayer Board

I can't believe it's been a month and a half since I last posted. I've been super busy with work, school, and catching up with friends since starting my sophomore year at MVNU. Now that I've gotten myself into a schedule, I finally have found the time to start posting again. 
This year, I'm living in an on-campus apartment with 5 other girls instead of a dorm (moving on up in the world) and while thinking of ways to decorate, I decided to make a prayer board for our living room. It was super easy, and if you want to make one, just follow the steps below. You'll need a picture frame (I found mine at a yard sale for $1), spray paint, string, glue, and clothespins.
1)Spray paint the picture frame. I cleaned the frame off before painting it since I got it from a yard sale, so you might want to do that as well.
2)After the paint dries, cut the string in strips about an inch and a half longer than the open part of the frame. Then, glue the string to the back of the frame. 
3)For the letters, you can use pretty much anything you want. I took some paint samples from WalMart and just used a stencil and a Sharpie. Then, just clothespin the letters to the top rope and you have an awesome prayer board.