Saturday, November 22, 2014

A Calm Saturday

Hot chocolate, Christmas movies, and Black Friday planning. That's what my Saturday has consisted of. Most of my friends are gone for the day and the ones who remain are watching football, so I decided to just sit inside and relax. Plus, this is the first Saturday I haven't had to work since the beginning of the semester, so I was pretty excited about that. I somehow accidentally slept in until about 12:30, which is the latest I've slept in probably well over two years, but I didn't go to bed until around 4 a.m., so really it's not THAT bad. After finally climbing out of bed, I came to the realization that I had absolutely nothing to do aside from waiting until tomorrow to finish the relatively small amount of homework I have to do before Thanksgiving break. So I put on some sweatpants, turned up the heater, and made myself a delicious cup of hot chocolate. I decided I'd finally make a shopping list from the Black Friday ads I've been looking at online for the past couple of weeks, because Black Friday is one of my favorite things and I am just way too excited that it's only a couple of days away. I also watched some of my favorite Christmas movies - The Year Without A Santa Claus, Santa Claus Is Coming To Town, and 'Twas The Night Before Christmas. Overall, it was great just spending the day relaxing and getting into the Christmas spirit.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Why I'm Looking Forward To Thanksgiving Break

Exactly one week from today, I will be at home, enjoying the comfort of my own bed while eating a bowl of cereal and watching a rerun of some show within the Kardashian world. This is the excitement that awaits Thanksgiving break. Aside from the aforementioned relaxing evening I have to look forward to, there are a lot of things about break that I'm excited for (and not just the break from schoolwork). To show my excitement, I decided to compile a list of some of the things I'm most looking forward to about Thanksgiving Break.

Black Friday Thursday? - I always get super excited about Black Friday shopping (even though I'll probably be done by the time Friday actually hits since the stores are opening so early), but this year, I'm even more excited because I get to go shopping with my sisters and two cousins, which is sure to be a blast. Especially our mandatory IHOP stop :)

FOOOOD! - Basically everyone looks forward to this, but since I don't really get to spend Thanksgiving with any extended family, it's mostly about the food for me. And by food, I pretty much just mean cheesy potatoes. And mashed potatoes. Really, just any form of potatoes.

Goodwill trip - The city I'm from has this amazingly huge thrift store, which I haven't been to in a very long time, so I've already planned a trip there during break to hopefully expand my sweatshirt collection.

Baking - I absolutely love baking and I feel so deprived when I'm at school because I don't have the means (nor the time) to do it. So I will be baking up a storm while I'm home next week.

Target trips - Target's pretty much my favorite place ever, so I will be stopping there at least one other time aside from Black Friday.

Birthday dinners - Since I'll be at school for my birthday later this week, I get to go out to eat twice while I'm home during Thanksgiving break to celebrate a little late. And since both my mom and grandma take me out to eat, I get to hit up my two favorite restaurants without having to choose between them.

Relaxing - This will be my first complete break from both school and work this semester because I had to stay on campus and work during fall break, so I'm excited to go home and just have some time to myself to relax.

Christmas gifts - Since there's less than two weeks between the end of Thanksgiving break and the start of Christmas break, I'm going to have to have all my friends' Christmas presents ready when I come back from Thanksgiving break. I'm super excited about this because I love everything about giving gifts, especially when it comes to wrapping.

Cereal options - My house is always fully stocked with a plethora of cereal options, and since cereal is one of my favorite things, I'm looking forward to all the different cereals I can choose from while I'm home.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

14 Times Lizzie McGuire Taught Us What Not To Wear

One of the greatest gifts that Disney Channel brought us was Lizzie McGuire. Back when Disney Channel was in its Golden Age, you could catch an episode of this magnificent show almost every day. And everyone knows that the only thing better than the show, was Lizzie's wardrobe. Some of my friends and I have been able to relive some of Lizzie's interesting fashion choices recently since I have several episodes on DVD. While we were discussing how strange some of her outfits were, I decided that I would make a list of some of her weirdest ones. And since it's Thursday, and Thursdays are for throwbacks, it only seems right that we would look at 14 times Lizzie McGuire taught us what not to wear.
Their faces here match my opinion of these outfits

I had to save the infamous unicorn sweater for last. 
I clearly didn't pay close enough attention to this episode...